Howard Strodtman, Typographer, formerly of Santa Barbara, CA has been making PostScript type for since 1989 and has worked with Foster & Horton of Santa Barbara (FOHO Fonts) to produce some of the most unique typestyles available for the Macintosh.
The “MardiGrasFont” that comes with this document is shareware–$10.00
A style from Howard Strodtman guaranteed to pique interest and spinkle loads of fun into a document. Add the true spirit of MardiGras into a peice without leaving town! A zany character set can be used for short headlines or initial letters.
Distribution of this font is for non-commercial purposes and is hereby authorized as long as this notice is passed out with it without alteration.
Should you this font give you a laugh (or chuckle), please honor the shareware request by sending $10.00 to: